
风里有诗句 2023-09-05 09:39:54 用户分享

一组以G 或H开头的英语成语

一组以G 和H开头的英语成语

G idioms

Get off the hook- free from all obligations

Give-up the ghost- to die

Got the slap on the wrist- got light punishment

Give someone a bird- make fun

Got the wind up- to be scared

Get a raw deal- not treated equally

Gift of the gab- talent of speaking, if someone has the gift of the gab, they speak in a persuasive and interesting way

Gives cold shoulder- to ignore

Get your wires crossed- If people get their wires cross, they misunderstand each other, especially when arrangements.('Get your lines crossed' is also used.)

Give me five- If someone says this, they want to hit your open hand against theirs as a

Way of congratulation or greeting

Give me a hand- If someone gives you a hand, they help you

Give someone a piece of your mind- If you give someone a piece of your mind, you criticize them strongly and angrily.

Go bananas- If you go bananas, you are wild with excitement, anxiety, or worry

Go tell it to birds- This is used when someone says something that is not credible or is a lie

Go under the hammer- If something goes under the hammer, it is sold in an auction

Graveyard shift- If you have to work very late at night, it is the graveyard shift

Grease monkey- A grease monkey is an idiomatic term for a mechanic

H idioms

Have ants in your pants- not be able to keep still because you are very excited or worried about


Having a whole of a time- to enjoy very much

Hold one’s horse- be patient

Have a big mouth- one who gossips more or tells secret

Himalayan blunder- a serious mistake

Have a one track mind- think only of one thing

Have clean hands- be guiltless

Have an egg on the face- be embarrassed

Have eyes bigger than stomach- desiring more food than one can eat

Heart missed a beat- very excited

Heart in the right place- good natured

Hit the nail on the head- done the thing correctly

Hand to mouth- Someone who's living from hand to mouth, is very poor and needs the little money they have coming in to cover their expenses

Have no truck with- If you have no truck with something or someone, you refuse to get involved with it or them

Hit the bull's-eye- If someone hits the bull's-eye, they are exactly right about something or achieve the best result possible.




H h,J j,K k,A a。


J j /dʒeɪ/,K k/keɪ/,A a/eɪ/。



1、hen 母鸡


2、hamburger 汉堡包

速记:ham 火腿,burger 汉堡,有火腿的汉堡就是汉堡包。

3、healthy 健康的

速记,wealthy 富裕的,有healthy,才有wealthy。

4、history 历史


5、hobby 爱好

速记:habbit 习惯,hobby 爱好,有爱好,好习惯。

6、hotel 酒店

速记:hot 热的,el 饿了。饿了去酒店,有热水热饭。

7、honey 蜂蜜


8、handle 手柄

速记:hand 手,le勒,手勒住手柄。

9、hunt 狩猎

速记:hun 馄,t 饨,带馄饨,去狩猎。

10、hesitate 犹豫

速记:he 他,sit 坐,ate 吃,他在犹豫,坐着吃还是站着吃。


