
君心似我心 2023-11-21 11:53:44 网友整理



KaiHongShun Studio



In ancient times, there were mostly two pillars with corridors in front of palaces, temples, and family halls, called "pillars". When people paste couplets, they often stick them on these symmetrical pillars (most commonly written or hung on pillars in ancient times).


Couplets have a long cultural heritage and a broad mass base in China. It originated during the Tang and Five Dynasties, flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has developed to this day as a crystallization of the wisdom of the working people.


Folk couplets come from the people, are written from the people, and are used by the people. They can be roughly divided into spring couplets, door couplets, hall couplets, study couplets, marriage couplets, birthday couplets, new residence couplets, gift couplets, and other forms.



Spring Festival couplets are the most down-to-earth among the couplet families, initially known as "Taofu" and an important symbol of the Chinese nation's Spring Festival celebration.


Spring Festival couplets are usually composed of couplets and horizontal scrolls. A good horizontal approval can add to the cake. Spring Festival couplets are divided into upper and lower couplets, with no limit to the number of characters in the couplets, but they must be equal.


The content of Spring Festival couplets mostly depicts beauty and expresses wishes. When people stick Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu" written on red paper on both sides of their front doors.



Gate couplets refer to couplets that have been hung on the gate for a long time, in addition to Spring Festival couplets. Its characteristic is to be both elegant and appropriate...


Many of the content of the gate couplets is derived from famous poetry, with neat and neat dialogues, usually representing the identity and aspirations of the owner, as well as the pursuit of governance, self-cultivation, and other aspects.


For example, in the courtyard of the old Beijing Hutong, there are many gate couplets engraved on the gate, also known as "Gate Heart Pair". It is the "highlight" of the entire quadrangle.



Hall couplets are a very personalized type of folk couplets, also known as homestead couplets. Often hung in the nave, living room, bedroom, etc., it is also a type of decorative couplet.


For example, "Jin Song greets guests with the same longevity, and the refreshing breeze fills the hall with a high spirit" hangs in the living room, expressing the host's hospitality and elegance.



A study couplet is a couplet hung by literati and scholars in their own reading and writing places. The themes of this kind of couplet are mostly about clarifying the mind and satisfying nature, cultivating academic pursuits, and expressing one's aspirations and emotions.


For example, the study couplets written by Shi Kefa, a famous anti Qing general in the late Ming Dynasty, vividly depict the owner's reading philosophy, that is, having a different mindset when reading different books.



Wedding couplets are a common type of folk couplets, generally referring to couplets hung during festive weddings. China has always had a tradition of adding joy to wedding couplets.



Shoulian refers to a folk couplet celebrating the birthday of the elderly. From the perspective of identity, longevity couplets can be divided into male longevity, female longevity, double longevity, etc...


For example, the male longevity couplet should be expressed as "the crane calculates a thousand years of longevity, and the pine age lasts for ever in spring"; The couplet for female longevity should be expressed as "when plums bloom, the summer rain is heavy, and the Xuan flowers are full of mist and clouds".



New home couplets refer to couplets posted on the door of a new home. Since ancient times, there has been a custom among the people in our country to complete new homes, enter houses, and move in and post couplets.


For example, "Colored new buildings bring good luck to the whole family in a blessed land; Yunfei painted buildings bring joy to the park throughout the year", and "good luck" and "good luck" are used to express good wishes.



Gift couplets are couplets given to relatives and friends for mutual exchange, which mainly include expressing mutual affection, expressing emotions, and encouraging each other.


For example, "It is enough to have a bosom friend in life, and the world should look at it with the same mind", which is a gift couplet given by Lu Xun to Qu Qiubai.


Folk couplets are close to life and have a strong sense of interest. Their basic elements are neat and neat, emphasizing the level and tone, concise and exquisite, and corresponding to each other. The main requirements are reflected in the following seven aspects:


The number of words is equal. The text of couplets can be as long as desired, ranging from a few words to as many as a hundred words, but regardless of length, the number of words in the upper and lower couplets must be equal.


Same part of speech. Couplets should have relative parts of speech and the same position, achieving "virtual to virtual, real to real". That is to say, nouns to nouns, verbs to verbs, quantifiers to quantifiers, modal particles to modal particles, etc.


The level and tone complement each other. Couplets should be in harmony in tone and tone. The traditional custom is to "start with a narrow tone and level with a flat tone".


The sentence structure is the same. If the upper couplet of a couplet has four or three sentence structures, the lower couplet must also have four or three sentence structures.


Content related. The composition of couplets can be roughly divided into parallel relationships, transitional relationships, coherent relationships, progressive relationships, causal relationships, etc.


Words are different. The text of the couplets should be different and should not have duplicate characters, especially characters in the same position...


The strength is equal. The strength of the upper and lower couplets of couplets is equivalent to the content, which roughly has three relationships: the strength of the upper and lower couplets should be noted, and the contrast should not be too large.

